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Introduction to Raising Peaceful Children Providing the best care for children 0 to 3 years old.

This course will provide caregivers, parents, and childcare providers with a comprehensive understanding of our best practices that lead to development for children 0-3. In this course we offer practical strategies for Raising Peaceful Children.

Things you’ll Learn

"Throughout this course, you'll delve into our three components that support the healthy development of young children. You will understand the significance of free uninterrupted play, the importance of free motor development and how to implement respectful care and guidance."

Why Take This Course?

Raising Peaceful Children is designed to empower caregivers, educators, and parents.
Our approach is inspired by the work of Dr. Emmi Pikler. Raising Peaceful children is grounded in implementing respectful attentive care which demands treating children 0-3 as whole complete human beings.
In this course you will learn everything you need to support the healthy development of babies from birth to three years old. Through discussion and video examples you will gain the knowledge to need to understand healthy development in babies. The does and don’t for interacting with infants. How to pick, feed and care for an infant. This is a great introduction course for anyone that interacts with children 0-3 years old.

Natural Motor Development

Emphasizes allowing children to develop motor skills naturally and at their own pace.

Respectful Caregiving

Focuses on responsive and respectful caregiving to create a strong bond and trust between the child and caregiver.

Autonomy and Self-Confidence

Promotes children's autonomy, independence, and self-confidence by allowing them to explore and discover freely.

Emphasis on Relationship

Highlights the importance of a deep, attentive, and nurturing relationship between the child and the caregiver.

Who Is This Course For?

Parents seeking to understand and apply respectful caregiving techniques.

Caregivers aiming to enhance their skills and provide a nurturing environment for children.

Childcare providers looking to integrate the Pikler approach into their professional practice.

Discover invaluable insights and practical strategies inspired by the Pikler Approach in our course on Raising Peaceful Children.

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