Understanding and supporting our children’s development
Let’s start the week with our most important concern. Understanding and Supporting our children’s development.
Understanding a child’s growth begins with curiosity. Curiosity invites wonder and magic into caregiving, helping us truly know the children we care for.
This week, let’s start by being curious about what children can do and how they do it. By focusing on their actions, we can recognize their developmental abilities and support their growth.
For infants, simply following their gaze can reveal their cognitive abilities—what they find interesting tells us how they process the world.
For toddlers, their playful defiance during tasks like diaper changes might be more than just mischief—it could reflect their growing sense of humor.
In every situation, instead of immediately stepping in, we can pause and wonder:
Where is this going?
By doing so, we can witness the magic of human expression and better understand the child in front of us. Rather than sticking to rigid schedules, let’s replace them with consistent routines that allow us to follow the child’s rhythms.
This approach not only supports their development but also helps us truly know them for who they are.
Let’s invite wonder and curiosity into our caregiving this week and discover the magic of growth.
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